Moment marketing simply is creating connections by any brands or businesses to ongoing events, trends and situations. Business and brands simply address to any events or trends and advertise themselves taking advantages in their favour. It is one of the cost saving and creative form of marketing that results in maximum output. For an instance let see at COVID-19 pandemic situation and black lives matter scenario. These are the trending topics in present time and brands have taken advantages to relate themselves to these situations and have placed their products in customer’s mind.
Moment marketing helps business to reach huge number of customers at a very low cost and form deeper connection over long term with more relevance. Global brands jump into various situations or causes, spread the message to support those cause and also utilize as those cause as opportunity to get own brand message through the utilization of marketing channels.
During the Euro Cup 2020 in a pre-match press conference of Portugal, Cristiano Ronaldo endorsed water removing the two Coca-Cola bottles. This random action of Ronaldo caused Coca Cola to loose brand value of 2 billion pounds. These situations was converted by various other brands as moment marketing. Fevicol a adhesive brand of India related to this situation in their own way and so did Amul.
Some of the ways that Brands consider while moment marketing are like:
- To Stand out and become memorable with the cause.
- Reach to the customer while they are receptive of the situations
- Link the message passed to the customer sales.
- Use of meme marketing as placing products/service in psychic of customers
- Word-play to keep customers enticing and hooked
- Stay true to organizational goals and brand message passed.